Profile PictureJake Widmann

25+ Date Night Ideas

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My wife and I had recently moved to, and settled down in, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. It was early 2020...need I say more about what was going on in early 2020.

Not only was it early 2020, but we have four kids, zero family within 1,000 miles, and were new to the area, so we had no friends to help babysit either. Our solution to this difficult situation was to schedule a regular weekly date night...alternating between my wife and I whose responsibility it was to plan it.

In this book you'll find exactly 28 date night ideas that will help you and your spouse become closer together, and get to know each other better than you already do—whether you've been married for one year or twenty years.

Every date night in this ebook we've either personally created ourselves or tailored to this ebook. We've done every one of them at least once, and have designed them to be as budget friendly as possible. What's more is you can enjoy them from the comfort of your own house or within ear-shot of your children (if you have them). Of course, you can always venture outside and use your creativity to adapt these date nights as you desire.

The last thing my wife and I wanted as we had kids is for our marriage to fizzle out, because we placed all of our energy into raising our kids, but none into growing our relationship together.

These date nights will surely keep your marriage exciting and help you and your spouse grow closer together...and best yet...they won't break the bank!

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An Ebook Filled with 28 Budget Friendly Date Nights

Date Nights
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25+ Date Night Ideas

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